Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Texas Should Do More To Protects Its Borders

It is no secret that Texas shares the largest border with Mexico. It is also not a secret that Texans are tired of influence of Mexican drug cartels in Texas, especially in the border towns. Governor Rick Perry has recently said that Texas will fight back and I completely agree with him. Mexico is riddled with corruption and the inability of the Mexican government to do anything about its problems is affecting Texas and United States in general. I believe that we should issue an ultimatum to Mexico. The time to stand aside and let people get killed over drugs has to stop. Texas and Mexico are its biggest trading partners and in order for that to continue, both the Mexican Government and Texan Government must do something about it. I think Texas should enforce stricter punishments for drug trafficking as well as human trafficking.
My methods might seem harsh but it is necessary to protect Texas as well as Mexico. Time and time again we hear of Texans getting killed in border town as well as in Mexico just for being there. Rick Perry should also ask for Federal help in order to protect Texas and America in general. Our policy towards Mexico is strict but is not strict enough. I believe that we should also give incentives to Mexicans to curb violence. For example, we can increase our trade with Mexico if they cut down on violence. This will ensure that both Mexico and Texas is safe from drug violence and we can continue having a prosperous relationship with our neighbors.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Politcal Apathy

I had a chance to read an editorial titled "Completely Lost". The editorial raised an interesting point about political apathy amount Americans, especially when it comes to regional politics. It is well known that voter turnout in the US is one of the lowest in the entire world. It is sad yet true that many Americans feel the same way that Kylah, author of Completely Lost, feels. She feels as if none of the parties truly represents her and that "politicians should not be trusted". I appreciate her honesty and straightforwardness, however, I believe that in her post she should have suggested solutions to the problem. The excuse that someone is too "busy" to follow politics is a tired and cliched one. In this modern day and age, news is easy accessible and taking 5 minutes daily to inform yourself of current issues is easily doable by checking the internet, watching the news, etc. Maybe if Americans spent a little more time trying to educate themselves about politics than watch reruns of American Idol, we would live in a better and more educated society.