Friday, September 17, 2010

Gov. Rick Perry Criticizes House Minority Leader & Supports Tea Party

Governor Rick Perry has criticized the House Minority Leader John Boehner over his statement that he would vote for Obama's plan of raising taxes for certain Americans. According to the Statesman, Governor Perry has said that he is supporting Tea Party candidates that won the primaries in Delaware and New York. The support of Perry highlights the growing division among the Republican party supports between its more vocal Tea Party supporters.

Perry believes that the Tea Party stands for what the Republican party stands for, which is "fiscal conservatism" and "small government". However, the Tea Party has been known as very outspoken on several issues and has been portrayed as bigoted, racists, and even as a fringe group.

Perry's support of Tea Party candidates and his criticism of the Republican House Minority Leader should be concerning for the GOP. Perry is a favorite to run for the presidential election in 2012 even though he has denied it on numerous occasions. We should closely follow his support for other candidates and his position as he runs for reelection this November against former Houston Mayor Bill White.


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