Friday, December 10, 2010

Keeping Texans Safe?

I read an editorial by my fellow classmate Carleen about Texas sobriety checkpoints. She makes a really good point about how drinking and driving is very dangerous and ties in Texas drinking culture with it. I think that people needs to understand the true ramifications of drinking and driving.

I completely agree with her that we should enforce alcohol laws and prosecute DUIs more harshly. She says that " Texas needs to enact a no tolerance policy so that repeat offenders are not given the chance to kill innocent people. " and I completely agree. If we strictly enforced alcohol laws and gave harsher sentences to DUI offenders, we would keep our roads safer. 

I believe that the bill that is being proposed to establish more sobriety checkpoints is the right steps but its not enough. I believe that  Carleen would completely agree with that. I think that people should drink responsibly and that whether we like it or not, the government should make sure that just because someone else has a bit too much to drink won't put everyone else in danger. The bars should also make sure that people do not get drunk and drive. There should be some sort of law to deal with that.

I hope that someday we won't have to discuss this issue further because society has gotten more responsible and cleaned up their act. Unfortunately, thats mostly a wishful thinking. For now, sobriety checkpoints is a good start. 

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